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Free and Confidential Women's Center
Pregnancy Help Center
Pregnancy Help Center, LOZ: 573-346-3337 (24/7)
Satellite Location: 573-569-4198

What Did She Say?

Who knew four little words could turn your life upside down? “I think I’m pregnant.” We imagine you’re in shock and feeling scared. What does it mean to you and for your future? We have a little advice:

What To Do:

  • Verify the pregnancy first. If your partner “thinks” she’s pregnant, now’s the time to find out for sure. Don’t waste your time worrying and wondering. Come to the Pregnancy Help Center for free pregnancy testing and ultrasound to verify her pregnancy.
  • Learn about your options. You have more than one, so find out what they are and what you need to do next.
  • State your opinion. Although your partner makes the ultimate decision, it helps to know what you think.
  • Get advice from men you trust.
  • Support her. She’s as scared and confused as you are, probably more so. Let her know you are by her side.
  • Keep the lines of communication open. You both need to express your frustration and anger.

What Not To Do

  • Don’t run away. This pregnancy is your responsibility too.
  • Don’t put pressure on her. Saying, “I’m okay with whatever you decide.” puts all the pressure on her, and no one wants that responsibility alone.
  • Don’t shut down. Your opinion matters.
  • Don’t rely on a home pregnancy test to provide the necessary information. Work with our medical professionals.
  • Don’t panic. By scheduling a consultation with a member of our team, we can help you sort through your issues.

Taking Responsibility

Because you’re here looking for answers, we know you are a responsible man. You recognize this is bigger than yourself, and you need advice. Schedule an appointment with us. Come together or by yourself.

We’re here for both you and your partner.

As the two of you continue talking, you’ll know the right solution.

You're only one decision away
from a totally new life.