call-icon Pregnancy Help Center, LOZ: (24/7)
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Free and Confidential Women's Center
Pregnancy Help Center
call-icon Pregnancy Help Center, LOZ: 573-346-3337 (24/7)
call-icon Satellite Location: 573-569-4198

Education is vital to your success. The more you know, the better prepared you are for whatever you choose.

A Sample of Some of Our Classes:

  • Prenatal classes to help you have a healthy pregnancy
  • Childbirth classes, so you know what to expect
  • Parenting classes, including courses for new fathers
  • How to have healthy relationships
  • Life skills such as budgeting, job applications, and communicating with others
  • Stress management

Our classes are designed for anyone who wants to make positive, lasting changes for themselves and their future.

Post-Abortion Healing

Our education also includes a program to help women who have experienced abortion and are struggling.

Every woman responds differently to an abortion. Although most women say they feel immediate relief following the procedure, some women find they have feelings of sadness, grief, and depression later on.

Their emotional and psychological problems can start within days, months, or even years after the abortion. Experts agree that some women have a significant risk of mental health problems after an abortion.


You're only one decision away
from a totally new life.